Everything that exists resonates at a certain vibration. My light and sound therapy sessions use a highly advanced Rife Machine called a BCX device. Sessions like this work by delivering frequencies to the body that match the resonance of the cause of a given health issue. When a BCX device provides frequencies to your body that matches a pathogen’s oscillation rate, the organism will be shaken until the outer membrane breaks apart. An excellent example of this principle happens when a singer sings at a specific tone and intensity such that they can shatter a glass. Similarly, a BCX device destroys the outer membrane of unwanted pathogens by exact frequency targeting.
These light and sound frequencies can be delivered to the human body in many ways without presenting any danger to the body’s healthy cells and organs.
You can purchase this advanced healing technology and experience rejuvenating and protective light and sound therapy sessions in your home.
The BCX device works at the cellular level to assist in killing pathogens or support the body’s systems.
The BCX device is non-invasive because the skin is not broken, and there is no damage to normal, healthy tissues and cells. The frequencies scanned through are purposely only in the range harmful to bacteria, viruses, parasites, and disease models.
Frequencies vs. Microorganisms
Microorganisms are implicated in the development of many diseases and pain conditions. Research shows that they may play a part in developing candida, arthritis, Lyme disease, typhus, encephalitis, spinal meningitis, and other infections. Dr. Royal Rife performed many experiments and showed that microorganisms have specific Mortal Oscillatory Rates (MOR). When this frequency is amplified, it can debilitate the organisms and, in some cases, resonate the membranes to the point of collapse, vibrating them to death. Rife used square waves transmitted radiantly (radio and through direct microcurrents). Decades of history indicate that using square wave technology does not do damage to healthy cells.
What’s included:
- 1236 Pre-programed channels for common issues
- 68 custom programs
- 187 channels for your own experimental frequencies
- Frequency range 110,000 Hz. with hand held plasma tubes
- 4,000,000 Hz = 4 MHz with electrode delivery,
- 18 different types of wave forms including square, sine, & triangle.
- Sweep & Chaining functions for your advanced research.
- FREE 30 minutes consultation to answer your questions about the BCX equipment .
- FREE complete training.
- 1 pair Ray Tubes
- 1 pair hand cylinders- electrodes
- 1 pair foot plate – electrode
- Power supply
- Frequency manual & instruction manual
- Instructional DVD
- Hard plastic carrying case
*DISCLAIMER: This technology is not intended to prevent, diagnosis, treat or cure any disease or condition. It is for experimental research only and we make NO claims stated or implied. If you are ill or in poor health, see your health care professional immediately. This device is for your own experimental research purposes only.
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